Computing UFSCar

This website contains information about the comp-ufscar organization at github and its repositories. We appreciate you spending time at Comp-UFSCar. Please consider contributing to our repositories.

Important! comp-ufscar was created by students and it is not associated with or maintained by employees of the Computing department at Federal University of São Carlos or any individual linked and/or constrained by any kind of formal contract to public institutions or private enterprises.



Name Created Last Pushed Stats
{{ repository.description }}
{{repository.created_at.toLocaleDateString()}} {{repository.pushed_at.toLocaleDateString()}} {{repository.forks_count}} {{repository.stargazers_count}}


There are many students at the Computing dept. and the number of repositories can grow awfully fast. Everyone's welcome to contribute to the organization, but we ask you to follow these guidelines.

I would like to share my classes' notes

The repository comp-ufscar-classes keeps all files that aren't directly related to code or technical production. It's organized by classes > professor > year.term > content and future contributions should follow this structure. Please refer to the comp-ufscar-classes' file for more information.

I want to share a project

Projects are kept in repositories that reference a class, without distinguishing year or term.

Don't ctrl+c ctrl+v your project onto repositories if you were versioning it with Git before! This will erase all commit logs and lose track of how your project progressed throughout its development. To merge your project with the class repository without losing the commit log, follow the procedure below:

First, conform your project to our standard:

$ cd /path/to/your/repository
$ git checkout -b comp-ufscar-merging
$ mkdir projects/{project_name} -p # Create the folders projects and projects/{project_name}.
$ mv !(.git) projects/{project_name}/  # Move everything to the created folder.
$ git add . --all
$ git commit -m "Conform project for Comp-UFSCar merging."
$ git push --all

Caution! Please make sure that the {project_name} chosen isn't already being used by other project in the given class' repository.

Now merge your project and the class repository.

$ cd /path/to/comp-ufscar/class/repository
$ git remote add {repository}{username}/{repository}.git
$ git fetch {repository}
$ git merge {repository}/comp-ufscar-merging
$ git remote remove {repository}
$ git push

This procedure is recommended as it will merge the list of commits while preserving paths. Other options might be found at How do you merge two git repository? (Stack Overflow).